Student Leadership News

Hello Matthew Flinders!
It feels like a lifetime has passed since our last whole-school address. The lack of assemblies and inter-year level meetings has meant both of us haven’t been able to give a team rundown since term 1. So finally, Grace and I would like to use this opportunity to take you through all things leadership.
During the lock-down last term, the Leadership Team were forced to think creatively about how to reach the 600 MFG students all around Geelong and Melbourne. We ended up posting weekly video logs to Compass, centred around ‘How to Practice the Traits While Learning Online’, and we hosted exercise-based sessions over Zoom. However, there were also many ideas that did not come to fruition. A month-long walking event, for example, seemed plausible, but it was difficult to oversee and monitor. Although the situation was certainly not ideal, we learnt a lot about adaptable and resilient leadership and we feel our effort to connect to the students was successful.
Once we were back at school, the Leadership Team worked hard in coming up with restriction appropriate activities, to somehow add a sense of normality or even celebration to our new realities. On the 19th of June, we had a PJ Day, the students came to school in their sleepwear. This was a lot of fun and more so, extremely cosy and comfortable. We hosted a Walkathon on the 24th of June, with a mapped-out loop around the newly renovated Main Campus. House points were awarded to students for each lap they completed. We’d like to thank everyone who participated, also keep an eye out for another couple Walkathons this term!
Weekly, since being back at school, the Leadership Team has taken over the role of the Wednesday morning Community Breakfast. We mostly serve the crowd pleasers: toast with a variety of spreads and hot chocolates. Sarah and I would like to acknowledge the students, staff and other Leadership Team members who have helped birth our new tradition. We encourage all the students to come in, say hi and grab some food!
Recently, the team has been planning MFG Book Week activities for this term. The national theme is ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’ and it will begin on Monday September 7th, week 9 at MFG. More information can be found in the Library section of this newsletterissue, however, here is a quick schedule summary:
Monday: Kahoot on favourite middle grade books (all year levels are welcomed) HOUSE POINTS!
Tuesday: Film in the library - ‘Where the Wild Things Are’
Wednesday: Finish watching ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ & Book Week Creative Writing Competition closes at 3.30 p.m.
Thursday: Book Character Dress Up (Book Donation)
Friday: Kahoot aimed for the senior year levels (all year levels are welcome) HOUSE POINTS! & Book Week Creative Writing Competition winners announced at 3 p.m.
A book character dress up will require the donation of a book, rather than the usual gold coin. On the Thursday morning, the books that are brought to school will be collected (more details on that coming soon) but you can also drop them off in the library. These books will go to the Geelong Rotary Club for their annual Book Fair. We’ll be excited to see all of your costumes!
by Grace Robson and Sarah Garlick
College Captains 2020