Learning and Teaching 


at MFG


Since 2014, we have been refining our focus as a school and gradually been working towards developing our Teaching and Learning Model. Below is our Teaching and Learning Model and this graphic captures the key foci of our work as a staff of teachers and educators. Please note that it’s not intended to capture everything that we do as teachers. 

At the centre is, of course, the learner and our MFG 11 Traits. Surrounding the traits is the 6 step process that our teachers use to plan and design their curriculum and learning activities – also known as ‘Understanding by Design’. The four quadrants show the four key foci of our teaching at MFG: 


PDF of the MFG Teaching and Learning Model 




We have our Term 3 Student-Parent-Teacher scheduled for Tuesday 1st September. 

Given the COVID-19 restrictions that are in place at the moment in relation to visitors and parents/carers coming into school, we are currently discussing the different possibilities which might replace parents and carers physically coming into the school on this day. 

We will keep you informed about what the Term 3 Learning Conferences might look like if these restrictions are still in place. 


The Pathways and Subject Selection process is into full swing this term. A few key moments during this process include:


Term 3

  • Expo Week – year 9 & 10 students receive information about pathway and subject choices - Monday July 13 to Friday July 17
  • P&SS interviews – to be booked on Compass
  • Tuesday July 21 – Year 10 interviews with parent, student and pathway mentor
  • Wednesday July 22 and Thursday July 23 – Year 9L parent/carer, student interviews with Mrs Wright
  • Wednesday July 29 – VCAL interviews for Year 10s who follow the application process

Subject Selections due

  • Wednesday July 29 - Year 8 choices are due online, through the Compass parent portal
  • Wednesday August 5 – Year 9, 10 and 11 choices due online, through the Compass parent portal.


An important step of this process for students in year 9 is to complete a Career Action Plan (CAP), which is then updated in year 10 and year 11. This should help with the thinking behind pathway and subject selections. The CAP is accessed through Compass on the Insights tab.

Naming of the Old Building

Thanks to all parents and carers who shared their opinion on the naming of the ‘Old Building’. The results are in – below is a summary of the staff, student and parent/carer preferences for the 5 names suggested by the Traditional Owners. The results will be taken to the Building and Grounds Committee and School Council.




Mr Damien Toussaint

Assistant Principal , Learning and Teaching

Mr Damien Toussaint
Mr Damien Toussaint