oshc & sprout 


Wominjeka Everyone, 


Welcome to our first newsletter for term 3.

Our first week was really busy in providing All Day OSHC for those children who needed care and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Wendy White for her tireless effort to organise some of the Educational Support Staff who supported and assisted our OSHC educators during the extended week of the school holiday. In particular, a big thank you to Jamie, Ella and Joh! We loved haninv you with us!



Message from Naarah:


To all our wonderful families, I hope you all are well and stay safe and healthy.

I am putting together an OSHC cook book and would like to invite each family to contribute by sending one your favourite recipes.

I am missing you all and would love to see or hear about what you have been cooking or baking at home: just send us a picture or an email/message if you would like to share!




All Day OSHC – school holiday program


3055 BNWPS Radio Station

A big shout out to Jack Madin for setting up our own BNWPS Radio station during our first week back – what a brilliant idea to stay connected with our whole community!

OSHC will have their own space at 8:00am and 4:00pm with our wonderful seniors, who actually know what they are doing!

Check out on our commercial video to promote BNWPS Radio online:



Here is the link for the radio:


Camp Fire

 Students helped our educators in setting up a safe camp fire and enjoyed their roast potatoes and corns…. And some marshmallows… shhh! Our seniors had some more big responsibilities: lit the fire up!

Making Pizza with Bernadetta – from dough to topping!


This activity was requested by our students and how we could refuse it!

We had to split students in 4 groups to make sure that everyone interested in tis activity had a go!

Our Spontaneous Creations