school life 


What was the first board game ever created?


What was the first board game ever created? There are over a hundred thousands of board games in the world! But what came first? Chess? Checkers? Monopoly? All world famous board games but not the first. The answer to your question lies in Ancient Egypt over five thousand years ago. 


The first board game ever created was senet! Or so it is said, really no one knows what the first board game of all time was, Senet was just the first well known one. It was made in 3500bc in the sands of Ancient Egypt. Senate, also known senat, appears as wooden, limestone or faience slabs in the shape of a rectangle, it uses ten pieces and four double sided paddles instead of dice. It is played with two people who take it in turns to throw the four paddles and move their pieces depending on the combination of the throw.

1 white side up = move 1 square and throw again

2 white sides up = move 2 squares 

3 white sides up = move 3 squares 

4 white sides up = move 4 squares and throw again

4 black sides up = move 6 squares and throw again 


 Even though Senet was very popular five thousand years ago, nowadays no one actually knows how to play the original.That's where  Mitsuo Yamamoto came in. He created new modern rules for the game based on snippets from texts mentioning it. Now everybody can play Senet! Even though we may never know the original rules, at least we can play Mitsuo's version! Mitsuo was born in Fukuoka Japan in 1905 and grew up to become a Japanese philosopher, unfortunately he passed away in 1981. But not before being a part of the creation of over thirty board games! Thanks to Mitsuo we can play Senet, not to mention the other thirty games he helped to create!  


Nowadays everybody plays board games! It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, everybody has played a board game, and it is no different with the Egyptians! It is theorized that the more poor Egyptians scratched playing boards onto the ground. Even kings and queens played! Such as world famous queen Nefertari who is depicted playing Senet on the wall of her tomb. Not to mention King Tutankhamun who was buried with no less than five game boxes! The reason for this is because senet symbolises the struggle to reach immortality. After time the senate was associated with the passing between life and the underworld! It is safe to say the Egyptians loved their Senet!


What was the first board game ever created, that is the first sentence of this essay. Now it seems like a foolish question. I hope that this essay answered that question and many others. 


Mila Clark Unit AL



Enviro Science 

Well done to our community for diverting so much dental waste already! If you can, please continue to collect your dental waste and storing it at home (if this is possible) then you can drop it in once we all return to school. Otherwise, you can start your own by going to OR


For more information on other recycling programs, go to



How to Make a Better World

This term in Enviro Science, all grades will be looking at different ways to try and make our world a better place to live in.  Being inspired by the song lines  ‘from little things, big things grow’, we are not only going to try and motivate the students to make some environmentally sustainable changes, but also, we hope to inspire all the grown-ups to do the same. Each week, in the newsletter, we will be putting in a little gold mine of information that we hope will help you make a change in your life, to better the environmental health of this world.

This week, we’re starting with PERIODS… And by this, we don’t mean full-stops. 

Ever thought about how to have a more environmentally friendly period? Here are some suggestions to get you started. 

Here are some Australian suppliers of reusable pads and menstrual cups:

If you want to try and DIY some reusable pads, there are lots of video tutorials online!

(Image from:



Indonesian Writing Competition 


We received so many fantastic entries – I wish I had prizes for all of them!!

The winners from our school were sent on at the end of last term to compete against the winners from 7 other schools across the state.  There were 8 prizes available for the four categories we entered and our school won 4 prizes! More than any other school in the competition! So you should all feel really proud of the standard of your Indonesian writing work. Baiklah…who are these winners???


Ritu Reddy from FK was chosen to represent our school in the foundation labelled poster section and came runner up in the state.


Nararya Khalfani from unit NF was chosen to represent our school in the junior labelled poster section with a fantastic poster about Indonesian animals.


Rayma Atkinson from KM was chosen to represent our school in the diary section and came runner up in the state.


Alice Atkinson and Antonia Zabel both from AL scored equally highly on the competition rubric so I sent them both in. I heard that the state judge also had a lot of trouble separating them but in the end Antonia Zabel won first place in the state and Alice came runner up. Both stories stood out from the other entries because of their creativity and the girl’s ability to write their own unique sentence structures and story lines. (They were also both beautifully illustrated!)


Next week I will start showing you some of their work, but this week I wanted to share with you just some of the other pieces of writing we received that Ibu Nadia and I definitely would have been proud to send in to represent our school. Well done to everyone who participated.




The diaries that middle school students wrote are a bit large to include here but a big shout out to Leo Storer from BM who was only millimeters behind Rayma in having his incredibly yummy looking food diary entered!!

(I have added a translation to Zelada’s story so it can be enjoyed by all – It’s a true tragedy about a donut, I think she must really like donuts! J)

Kasih Saya Donat Saya!!!! 

Oleh Esmeralda Paxton


Selamat pagi, nama saya Jack.

Saya punya satu kakak. 

Nama kakak Lucy, dia kurang baik.

“Saya punya donat kamu, saya punya donat!!!” Lucy berkata.

“Kasih saya donat!” saya berkata.

“Apa? APA?” Lucy teriak.

“Kasih saya donat!!!!!” saya teriak.

“Tidak” Lucy berkata, Lucy makan donat saya!!!!

“TTIIDDAAKK!!!!!!” saya teriak.

Give Me My Donut!!!

By Esmeralda Paxton


Good morning, my name is Jack.

I have one older sibling.

Her name is Lucy, she’s not so good.

“I have your donut! I have the donut!” 

Lucy said.

“Give me the donut!” I said.

“What? WHAT?” Lucy yelled.

“Give me the donut!!!!” I yelled.

“No” Lucy said, Lucy ate my donut!!!


“Nooooooooo!!!!” I cried


Terima Kasih Banyak,

Ibu Kas and Ibu Nadia





Hello BNW families!


Remote Learning is upon us again and the maths blog is here to help provide some additional strategies to help you. In this weeks post, it is all about the wonderful Vic Curric! I’ve also added some videos to step you through how to access the Vic Curric. This is in response to some parents asking about the Curriculum and needing more direction whilst Remote Learning. I have also asked for some feedback from families regarding a simplified Curriculum. Some parents have asked for a simplified, clear overview of the Curriculum for their students level. This will just be an overview of what is being taught during Remote Learning. If you would like this, please comment on the Blog (with your child’s year level) and if we get enough interest, we can develop one for the different levels. 


I have also included some resources to use if you need some extension/additional activities! 


Happy reading,

Alice and Jessie