A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long


Dear Parents and Carers,

This week our diocese celebrates Marriage and Family Week and Catholic Schools’ Week. It is an ideal time to stop and reflect on the importance of families and how our Catholic faith is passed on from older people to younger people within the family structure. Parents are often unaware that from the moment of birth their children learn about God and experience God’s love through everyday expressions of care and nurturing. The way parents love and relate to their children, day in and day out, in good times and bad, is the most powerful influence on their spiritual formation. I encourage you to read the attached article on Four Keys to Nurturing Faith in Families as it gives simple and achievable ideas on how families can renew their faith life.  

Traditionally, this week we would have celebrated Mass together and also invited parents and family members to visit the classrooms. As this is not possible this year we have planned some special activities for the students to be involved in. Our Catholic faith encourages us to show gratitude for the many blessings we have in our lives so on Monday the students will be showing their gratitude to workers in our community by creating thank you cards for workers at the hospital and nursing homes, and for our essential care workers such as Police, Ambulance Officers and Fire Fighters. 


Caring for the beautiful world God has given us is another example of our faith in action so on Wednesday we will have all the students caring for the school's natural environment by cleaning up and weeding garden beds. If your child has gardening gloves please bring them to school on Wednesday.


Reaching out to help and serve others is a further way we follow Jesus; so on Friday we ask the students to come to school in mufti clothes and bring a Gold coin to donate to Children’s Mission. The money will go towards helping children who are less fortunate than our students. 


Celebrating through prayer is also a strong component of our faith so on Friday Infants students will attend Mass and the primary students will have a liturgy in the library. To end the week we will share a special fruit salad & ice cream treat! 


Today we had Gary Burdett (Deputy Director of the Catholic Schools Office) and Geraldine Chapman (CSO Human Resources Officer) visit our school. They provided staff with morning tea in recognition of all the hard work from staff during the period of learning from home. Gary also presented the school a certificate of appreciation.


Pauline Long and Geraldine Chapman
Our amazing staff
Gary Burdett (Deputy Director) with Pauline Long
Gary Burdett with Pauline Long
Gary Burdett and Staff
Pauline Long and Geraldine Chapman
Our amazing staff
Gary Burdett (Deputy Director) with Pauline Long
Gary Burdett with Pauline Long
Gary Burdett and Staff


On Wednesday 5th August at 6.00pm,we will have our first PT & F meeting since the pandemic started. We are able to hold this meeting if we follow social distancing and hand sanitising guidelines. To ensure we have the library set up safely I ask that you ring or email Kate Thompson if you can attend. Although our planned fund raising activities are not permitted at this time, the good news is we can open our school canteen once again, so we will need volunteers to get this up and running. All volunteers require their WWCC as described in general news.  I look forward to catching up with many parents & carers at this meeting.


Take care and be safe

Pauline Long
