Director of Students 

Remote Learning Term 3

Greetings to all South Oakleigh College students and parents!  From everyone in the Students Services Department, we hope this message finds you well.


We have now returned to remote learning for one week and, whilst we have done this before, I’m sure it remains a challenging, uncertain and unique experience.


As a parent, I have had the opportunity to experience first-hand the organisation required both to work from home and support my child’s academic growth and development.  I’m sure I speak for all teachers in saying “Thank you!” for the ongoing support and feedback you have provided to both your child and the teaching fraternity at South Oakleigh College. 


Please remember to contact your child’s teachers or the Student Services team if you have any queries or concerns.  Now, more than ever, education is a collaborative process between parent, student and teacher.  Whilst we are not together, we will remain united as a school community with the best interests of students as our primary focus.


To all students, you are to be commended on your resilience, perseverance and motivation in adjusting to the constant changes our current environment continues to present.  It has been humbling to witness the strength of character, humour and curiosity you have all employed to turn this uncertainty into an opportunity for personal and academic growth.


Students, please remember to contact your teachers via Compass or Teams if you require support with school work.  If there are IT matters please contact Cutting Edge, IT Support, here at school.  Most importantly, if the demands of remote learning become arduous please contact our Welfare Department.


Mr Damien Landini and Ms Grace Terdich

Director's of Students