Learning and Teaching


Year Prep ~ Wild explorers

Pack your passport and get ready to travel to some habitats from across the world! Our Year Prep community welcomes you to come and explore different habitats and the animals that live in them. Get ready to dip your toes in the water, swing from the vines, lay in the sun and then finally rug up for the cold...

Year 1/2 ~ We can be imagineers. It's easy if we try!

This term in the Year 1/2 Community we have been showing our skills to be the best IMAGINEER we can be. We practised lots of different skills such as bending, scrunching and stretching and investigated how different materials can change. At the beginning of the term we even went to LEGOLAND Discovery Centre! We can’t wait for you to come in and interact in the Year 1/2 Discovery Centre. You will see models that we have created to meet the needs of our community. Feel free to create your own model in our makerspace or even enjoy our community Cafe! See you there!

Year 3/4 ~ Music to my ears

Dance your way into the Year 3/4 Community where we will be breaking some new ground and breaking some new sounds. Our inventors have been thinking long and hard about the Mary MacKillop quote, ‘Never see a need without doing something about it’ and were posed the question ‘How can we use music to help the people in our community?’ You’ll see a lot of new inventions from recycled materials and hear a lot of interesting sounds. The class is alive with the sound of music!


Year 5/6 ~ Space Race - Does the race to space meet the needs of the Earth?

Earth is rapidly declining and the Year 5/6 students have been set with a task to discover an alternate world for mankind to inhabit! At the CCK pop up NASA headquarters you will be given the opportunity to explore all the different space expeditions that are underway! Make the most of the experience by meeting the crew, observing the high tech space suits, along with gathering information needed to land safely on a place you might like to call your next home. Who knows... you may choose to live on Lamarton or The Karann or The Iris or any other of our newly discovered planets! Let the CCK Space Race begin!


Deborah Courtney

Director of Learning and Teaching