From the Principal's Desk

School Closure Day

Please note in your diaries the date of our next School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day which has been scheduled for Friday 24th June.


On this day staff will be updating their first aid training/accreditations. We have needed to bring this date forward which means that our last day of term for students will now be Thursday 23rd June. This will be a normal school day and students will finish at 3:30 pm as usual. Reports and portfolios will also be distributed on this day.  


Students do not attend school on Friday 24th June. 


As this is the last Newsletter for this term, Please note these changes in your diaries.


Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Football team who today were runners-up in the Footscray District 2022 Interschool Winter Sports program, going down to Footscray West in a well-fought-out game.

Our children tried hard all day and behaved beautifully. Well done!

Learning Expo

Don't forget that next Tuesday afternoon is our Learning Expo! 


Today your child will bring home the Learning Expo Program for you to peruse so that you will know what to expect when you enter each Learning Community. 


Be prepared to immerse yourself in a world of design and production as you explore each year level's STEM (Science, Technology Engineering & Mathematics) projects. Hope to see you all there!

Feast of Corpus Christi Celebration Day

We will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi at school next Wednesday 22nd June. Please see the Religious Education page in this newsletter for all the details.


Prep 2023 Enrolments

Enrolments for Year Prep 2023 are filling fast!


A reminder to all families that we are in the process of finalising Year Prep enrolments for 2023 so if you haven't already, please fill out the enrolment form below and return it to the school office as soon as possible so we can secure your child's placement for 2023.

Parents And Friends (PFA) Association AGM.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for our Parents and Friends Association (PFA) will be held on Thursday 14th July commencing at 6:30pm.


Last week we had an initial meeting with parents interested in forming our PFA, so at this meeting, we will be electing our President and associated Office Bearers.


The PFA is your opportunity to increase community engagement, enhance school/parent partnerships, and meet new people along the way.


Please feel free to come along to our AGM so that your voice can be heard! Everyone is welcome.

Planning Weeks

Next week will be the last of our Planning Weeks and the last of our double 'specialist' sessions.  


Year 1/2 children will need to wear their sports uniform on Thursday 23rd June.

Student Reports & Portfolios

Next Thursday 23rd June all children will receive the Student Report for Semester 1 2022. This will be the first time in two years that a full report will be presented so it will look a little different to the COVID-19 hybrid versions you would have received in 2020/21. An explanation page will appear in the front of the report detailing features.


The Student Report will be placed in your child's portfolio.  We ask that you read the report in conjunction with the learning samples included in the portfolio to gain a full picture of your child's successes across the first part of the year.


God bless

Anthony Hyde
