
By Ms Sherlock - Humanities Leader of Learning

Year 10 Century of Change and Humanities in Action students gathered to participate in an incursion with the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. Students had a virtual tour and were able to learn about significant artefacts from the museum’s collection. The final part of the incursion involved students joining a Zoom call with survivor John Lamovie and asking questions about his experience before, during and after the Holocaust. A moving, insightful and reflective experience for all involved.





Year 12 Geography students participated in a fieldwork excursion to explore land use in Docklands. Students sketched, photographed and surveyed the area to investigate the changes that have occurred over time and the efforts that have been made to make the area sustainable.



Year 9 Humanities students have been travelling back in time thanks to the WWI artefacts in the ‘museum in a box’ from the Australian War Memorial. Students (and teachers alike) have been able to try on uniforms, hold a piece of history in their hands and analyse primary sources to uncover the experiences of those on the front-line and home front during WWI.