Nazareth College BYOD Information
The ICT Department is here to support the ICT needs of both Students and Parents. At Nazareth College we run what is referred to as a BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, Laptop Program. This means that your child is required to bring a Laptop that meets the minimum specifications, as detailed in the below chart.
Unfortunately, this means that Apple iPads, Netbooks, Chromebooks or any other form of device that does not meet the above minimum specifications is not to be used at school. The above specifications have been determined based on the technical requirements required to best run the suite of applications needed at Nazareth College.
Additional information about the colleges BYOD Program can be found @ https://www.nazareth.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022-BYOD-FAQS-1.pdf
For all question and enquiries relating to the Nazareth College BYOD Program or any other ICT related question please email icthelpdesk@nazareth.vic.edu.au and we will endeavour to respond in a timely manner.