Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Beginning Monday 18 July
HPE Dance Program**
Year 9 MyDuke of Edinburgh
every Wednesday through term 3
Friday 5 August
Intermediate Girls Netball Regionals
Thursday 18 August
Year 8 Sports Round Robin
Thursday 25 August
Intermediate Sports Round Robin
** The HPE Dance program is a compulsory curriculum event. We have organised high-quality and well-regarded dance instructors to inspire our students. If you are yet to provide consent and payment through Compass please do so ASAP.
Welcome New Students
We would like to welcome the following students to Year 9 and the DSC community:
- Rhianna C, 9C
- Lea Chea, 9G
Please make them feel welcome!
Free Incursion - Skateboarding
Doncaster Secondary College has been successful in securing 6x 75minute Skateboarding workshops for our Year 9 students. These will be conducted during the following MYSELF classes:
- MY Future
- MY Photo
- MY Bakery
The ‘All Aboard Skateboarding program’ is part of School Sport Victoria’s Play program which provides more social, non-competitive ways for students to play sport. These sessions are run in conjunction with the YMCA.
Students must remember to lock their locker!
If students do not have a correct lock, please purchase one from Main Reception.
Subject Electives
Families are asked to get in contact with our Main Reception to arrange a refund for the subject electives that are no longer on offer.