College Communications

Week 1, Term 3
Welcome to the first edition of the College Bulletin - a fortnightly publication that provides students and families with the information they need to stay organized and succeed at Doncaster Secondary College.
Sunday 17 July
Semester Reports published on Compass
Tuesday 19 July
Boys Netball Round Robin
Week 4 Languages Week
2 August: Italian Day
(annual Spaghetti Eating Comp)
4 August: French Day
(Crepes indulgence)
5 August: Chinese Day
(Bubble Tea)
Thursday 4 August
2022 Australian Maths Competition
Tuesday 9 August
SEAL Open Night, 6-8pm
Wednesday 10 August
Boroondara Divisional Athletics
Tuesday 16 August
Family Planning Parent Evening, 6-7.30pm
Thursday 25 Aug to Friday 26 Aug
Clue: On Stage School Production
Wednesday 7 September
General Achievement Test
Friday 16 September
Last day of Term 3
DSC Annual Short Story Competition
All students are invited to enter this competition. Stories are to be at least 400 words. Submit your entries to your English teacher by Friday 12th August, along with the cover sheet.
Student Clubs
Starting lunchtime this Friday 15th July, the Video Games Club will run in W Block and is a social opportunity to play the Nintendo Switch! Minecraft will also be available so come along to discuss this with the supervising teachers.
The K-Pop Club meet at lunchtimes on Tuesdays in the Library. Anyone is welcomed!
Come along to talk about our interests, newest updates from K-pop groups, K-Drama upcoming comebacks etc.
The Art Club is back on Thursdays in B3 at lunchtime. Come along and invite your friends, classmates and teachers to hang out and make some drawings, paintings, sculptures, or anything else art related!
Tuesdays 25th July to 30th August, 7-9pm
A 6-week ‘Parents Building Solutions’ online program (free) for parents of 13 to 18 year olds. The focus of the program is to improve parent-teen relationships, improve communication, deal with family conflict, understand teen behaviour, and deal with stress.
Register here:
Tuesday 23 August, 7pm
at East Doncaster Secondary College
Tickets are $10 each
A Q&A session to discuss respectful relationships.
Purchase tickets here:
Kinetic Bus Services
All students are encouraged to wear fitted face masks while traveling on the bus to minimise the spread of influenza and COVID. Also, students are reminded to touch ON and OFF with a valid myki card. Happy & safe travels!