From the Principal 

Week 6 Term 2 2022

Dear Parents and Carers


This week I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking to many of the parents and children who will be joining St Bede's in Prep in 2023. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children, their interests, what they want to do when they come to school, and discussing with the parents what they want from a school for their child.  

Most of  the responses differ but what was common  amongst them all was  they want to be part of a community. This I believe is one of St Bede's greatest qualities and together we can ensure this remains that way. When you do see the new families later on in the year, during transition time, please take the opportunity to say "Hi" and welcome them to our wonderful school.


Parent Helpers

Just a reminder that the Parent Helpers course will be held in the Jarrow room tomorrow commencing at 9.00am. If you are unable to attend please let the office know and we will look at other ways of providing the information to you. It will be great to have parents back in the classrooms!!!!!



As mentioned in previous newsletters St Bede's was under Review during Term 1. This process happens every 4 years for all catholic schools. I would like to share with you the strengths identified by the review.  We are currently working  with the MACS (eastern region team) to create our school improvement plan as well as an annual action plan. This will be shared with our community once completed. 


These were the strengths identified by Helen Greenhill our reviewer


• St Bede’s School values its Catholic identity which reflects authentic links between faith, life and culture. The Catholicity of the school community is evident in the relationships, in the curriculum planning, in the way the school celebrates the faith through liturgy and prayer and by giving witness to the faith through social justice actions. 

• The leadership team demonstrate commitment to ongoing school improvement. There are high levels of trust and respect and a willingness for learning together. 

• The staff have a very positive attitude to the school and their work. They value working in collaborative teams and acknowledge the support offered by the leadership team through facilitated planning and mentoring and modelling.

 • Teaching and learning at St Bede’s School is reflective of current best practice and research with the implementation of effective teaching strategies. 

• The school offers its students a safe, orderly environment and learning opportunities to nurture their social and emotional wellbeing. The school has a consistent approach to positive behaviour using restorative practices.

 • Parents, students and staff have a sense of belonging to a welcoming, inclusive community.


Queens Birthday Long Weekend

This Monday is the Queens Birthday holiday. There is no school on Monday.



I remind our community of the importance of parking in the right areas and using the crossings to cross. This is for everyone's safety. We all need to set an example for our students.


Parent/teacher/student conferences

Our mid year Parent/Teacher/Student conferences will be held on June 23 and 24. Information on how to make a booking will be provided shortly. There will be allocated times for either online appointments or face to face appointments.  We are providing online times as the feedback over the last few years is that it allows for both parents to be in attendance even if one has work commitments.


First Eucharist

I ask that you keep the children who are preparing for the Sacrament of First Eucharist in your prayers and thoughts.  This is a very exciting time for them and their families. The children will be making their First Eucharist either on Saturday 18th June or Sunday 19th.


Enjoy your weekend and hopefully the weather is kind to us

