Term 3 Sport Payments


We are introducing a new way to pay for school sport events for Term 3 2022. Our aim is to make it easier for parents and teachers by giving families the opportunity to pay and consent for all Term 3 sport events at one time. 


The below table shows the events students will be attending depending on school year level, along with the overall cost. Please note that the cost of the Swim School Program in 2022 is covered by grants provided by the Department of Education and Training over the past 3 years.

We have made every effort to keep costs at a minimum, however, event prices have risen from previous years due to the increased costs from our suppliers. 


Full payment is due by Tuesday 12 July. All payments can be made through Compass or if needed, cash, cheque or credit card payments can be made at the school office. 


If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 9646 1001 or send us an email at port.melbourne.ps@education.vic.gov.au.


Thank you,