Senior School Report

Senior School Report
The upcoming holidays provide us the opportunity to reflect on our learning over the past six months. Questions worth considering are:
- What have you learnt in the last two weeks regarding your approach to SAC’s and exam?
- Were you prepared ?
- Had you put in several hours of home study and preparation?
- Were your revision notes adequate?
- Did you understand the command words in each subject?
- Did you communicate with your teacher any areas you were unsure about?
- Did you nourish your body with the appropriate foods to allow you to concentrate and be ready?
This list could go on and on. Now is the time for students to honestly evaluate themselves and their work ethic to identify their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their schoolwork and build on both. Now is the time to really communicate with core teachers and take on valuable advice.
Last week Year 12 students had a guest speaker from Elevate to further help them prepare for end of year exams and the final twelve weeks of schooling, along with approaches to interviews. Each student has a booklet to refer to regarding preparing for excellence. I would strongly suggest this is revisited often.
For any student undertaking a Unit 3 and 4 subject, the up coming holidays are a great opportunity to catch up on content that requires further refinement as well as consolidate the first semester’s work. It is also a
time to recharge and get ready for the 10 week term ahead.
For Year 10 students now is a time to start reflecting on which subjects or pathways they might want to take in Year 11. More information about VCE and the VCE Vocational Major will be available soon and will be discussed at the Information Night on Tuesday 19 July. It is a very exciting time for students starting their final years of secondary schooling next year with major improvements being made to many study designs.
Senior Boys Basketball
I had the pleasure of taking the Senior Boys Basketball team to Dandenong Stadium last Thursday for interschool sports. It was so good to see the boys/men participate in such a positive and collegiate manner.
Their enthusiasm on the day never wavered. There was only one thing I asked of them and that was to defeat my old school, which they did convincingly.
Thank you and well done.
Year 10 work experience has been in full swing with students gaining valuable work skills all over the eastern suburbs, and even into the north of Melbourne. Each student has been visited by a teacher or an alternative arrangement made to support them during their time at the work placement. We look forward to hearing all about their experiences when they return to school next term.
Our VCAL students are currently working feverishly to empty out, ready for refurbishing, the portables at the front of the college. They are creating a new learning environment for current and future VCE Vocational Major classes .
Reports will be available on Friday. Please take time to read the comments and celebrate successes. If there are any areas of concern, please contact the Senior School early next term. We will be organising some parent meetings to help support students who may need a bit more guidance.
Finally. Congratulations to ALL students. It has been a short, but long term. You have survived many challenges and will continue to do so. The support you show towards your peers is fantastic.
Mrs Ruth Smith
Year 11 & Year 12 Coordinator