Principal's Report

Principal's Report
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” (Pele)
Pele was one of the greatest soccer players in Brazil who despite a disadvantaged background worked hard to achieve his success and make a difference to his entire country. Determination, hard-work, and leadership are what Pele used to be successful throughout his life.
The story of Pele’s journey is important message for us to keep at the core focus for our students. Each semester students set goals which goals to succeed not only motivates an individual to achieve their dream but can also improve individual mental health and our level of personal and professional success. It is also a timely as students have time to reflect on the past six months and set goals for the second semester at the start of next term.
Staffing Updates
I am so proud of the extraordinary work carried out by our teaching and non-teaching staff with majority having experienced absences with COVID, flu, other illness and sadly for some bereavements.
There are worldwide teacher shortages and I thank parents and especially our students who have been understanding, modelled our values of respect and been supportive of the changes of personnel throughout the term. When we have been able to access casual relief teachers, they have all commented on our student’s positive attitudes towards their learning and exemplary behaviours.
Despite our best efforts to manage the workload and pressures of the relentless demands on staff, like all other businesses, some staff have decided to make lifestyle choices to leave the profession or resign to spend more time with their families. It is therefore I announce the following staff are leaving and will not be returning:
- Mr Sam Eddy English and Drama teacher and Year 7 coordinator who is leaving the teaching profession
- Ms Patrice Lewis (Mental Health Practitioner)
- Mrs Anne Dros (Office)
On behalf of the Scoresby Secondary College community, I thank these staff for their work. Replacement staff will be announced soon. In the interim, Ms Emily Phibbs, Head of Junior School will be the point of contact for Year 7 parents and carers.
Two Assistant Principals
During the review we received the Departments endorsement to advertise for two assistant principals for the next three years. As a growing community and a link school for the Department for Professional Learning Communities Initiative, we have been called on more and more to be able to showcase out teaching and learning processes and practice. These positions will each have a different focus. I am looking forward to announcing the successful applicants shortly.
Smart Watches at School
In line with the Department of Education and Training's ministerial order regarding mobile phone usage, “mobile phone” refers to mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone, such as smart watches. Smart watches, in most cases, function in a similar way to mobile phones; to communicate, transmit information, and receive notifications and like phones, thereby making them a distraction to student learning. Already the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) have also published in their examination advice that “students are not permitted to bring into examination any electronic devices including smart watches and fitness trackers.” In line with the ministerial order, students are not permitted to wear smart watches at school.
Students who bring their smart watches to school will be requested to keep them in their locker until the end of the day. Students will continue to be able to wear regular watches to school that cannot transmit information.
As the weather has been extremely cold, students should be wearing warmer clothes. The College jumper is very warm especially when combined with the jacket. The winter uniform is compulsory. A reminder to check all items are correctly fitting, labelled and items are not lost over the break. Students should be returning on day one having checked the policy in their planner on the requirements.
At the final assembly today, students have been reminded about the policy regarding piercings and jewellery, adjusting skirt length as they have grown taller and to not bring incorrect school bags to school. There have two weeks to prepare.
2023 Enrolments
Our college is growing and while our school numbers may not be large, we offer every opportunity to our students that a larger school would offer. I thank the staff for their commitment and their willingness to give the extra time and effort to run such a rich co-curricular program and teaching staff for such a rigorous, engaging and enriching the classroom program. Next term we will be welcoming more new students and our transition team led by Ms Emily Phibbs will commence the start of the Year 7 2023 transition process.
End of Term
Throughout this busy term I have been surrounded by so many committed staff, families and other members of our school community. I thank every individual for the role you have played in inspiring and working collaboratively students to ensure they have every opportunity to experience success. I would like to thank Ms Kate Harnetty who joined us to has support the leadership team since mid-term, especially for her leadership when I contracted COVID and had to isolate. Ms Harnetty will continue at the college in another role next term.
I wish all students and staff have a relaxing and safe break and I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 11 July.
Mrs Gail Major