Yr 12 Graduation

CRC College Graduation: St Patrick’s Cathedral


Finally, staff, students and families gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate Mass. Fr Maurie Cooney was our main celebrant. He used a beautiful analogy of the lanterne rouge, the red lamp in the Tour de France.  It is awarded to the rider who comes to the finish after all the others (the last carriage on a train has a red light on it).  However, the ‘lanterne rouge’ rider doesn’t come last!  He is the one who wouldn’t give in, who kept going, and who stayed with it for the long haul. This strong imagery reminds us of the significance of each student who graduated this year, that despite the ups and downs, and there were some significant challenges, they finished the course.

Blessings on the class of 2019.

Vince Iannuzzi