Health and Wellbeing

Two Minute Zone

The misuse of the 'Two Minute Zone/Kiss N Go' causes many safety issues. There are two ‘Kiss N Go’ zones on Wood Street where you can quickly drop and collect your child – this is NOT a parking area – you are NOT allowed to park for longer than two minutes, double-park or go into school.



If you need to walk your child in, you must park in one of the surrounding streets.

Wet Weather Arrangements

In the event of inclement weather upon arrival to school, students may be admitted into the classrooms at 8.50am following the compulsory staff briefing which occurs each morning 8.40 – 8.50am. 


An announcement is made informing the students that the teachers are in their classrooms and the bell will then sound. 


Students must NOT be left alone in the school grounds before 8.45am or after 3.45pm asthe school does NOT provide formal supervision for children who are on the premises before or after these times.


No Hat, No Play!

All children are required to wear a broad brimmed bottle green hat for protection from the sun from 1 September to 30 April. Children who forget their hats will be reminded to play in the shade.



See BNPS SunSmart Policy.


It is recommended that sunscreen be applied before school under parent supervision. Sunscreen should be provided by parents for their children to use at school and on excursions.


Please note that teachers are not expected to apply sunscreen to students however we have strategies in place to remind children to apply sunscreen before they go outside. 

Food at School

Due to the high risk of cross contamination, it would be appreciated if you could refrain from sending any food to school containing nuts e.g. peanut butter sandwiches, Nutella, loose nuts and snack bars containing nuts.


Please speak to your child/ren about the importance of eating only their own food and washing their hands before and after eating - this will be reinforced at school.


PLEASE NOTE: Students who bring nut related foods to school must eat such foods at a safe distance from allergic children and wash their hands on completion.

Celebrating Birthdays

Please speak to your child's teacher prior to sending any food or treats to school and consider the amount of items sent in as it can be time consuming for teachers to distribute.


Many parents also have concerns about treats being given to their children without their permission.

Head Lice

We encourage the whole school community to be vigilant with checking their child’s hair to prevent outbreaks and ask that parents advise class teachers of any cases identified at home.


Whole-school Head Lice checks will be performed by parent volunteers once per term - we are always looking for volunteers - please see Head Hunters Program for more information and email if you are able to assist.

Climbing Trees NOT permitted

For the safety of children and to protect our natural environment, the climbing of trees is against our school rules and is NOT permitted at any time.


Teachers enforce this rule during the hours of duty however parents are responsible for their children beyond this time – please supervise your children carefully to prevent injury.

Riding in the School Grounds

Riding of scooters, bikes, skateboards etc., is NOT permitted in the school grounds at drop-off or pick-up (school and non-school children).

Dogs in the School Grounds

Dogs are NOT permitted on the school oval at all between the hours of 7.30am and 6.00pm (when our students are in attendance and when our Outside School Hours Care program is operating) – even if they are on a leash. Dogs are allowed to run on the oval (on or off leash) BEFORE 7.30am and AFTER 6.00pm ONLY. Dogs ARE permitted in other areas of the school grounds during the above mentioned times but MUST be kept on a hand-held leash.


Only adults are permitted to be in charge of dogs on school premises and they must be responsible for their dog at all times which means making sure the dog is kept a safe distance away from students (including line-up areas) and other dogs in the school ground. Dogs are NOT permitted to be tied up and left unattended. Owners are kindly asked to ensure that their dog does not disrupt Assembly. It is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their dog (and remove from school property).

Staff Carparks

For safety reasons, parents and students are NOT permitted to walk through staff car parks OR use them for parking .

Use of Disabled Car Parking Spaces

Please note that the disabled car parking spaces around our school MUST NOT be used as a two minute drop off zone (or for extended parking).


These spaces are ONLY FOR CARS THAT DISPLAY A DISABLED STICKER – please respect the families who need to use these spaces. 

Rubbish in the School Grounds

Beaumaris North Primary School students are expected to dispose of their own litter responsibly e.g. food wrappers and fruit peel but all uneaten food should be taken home – this will allow you to keep a check on what your child has consumed at school.

Behaviour and Restorative Practices

Restorative Practice is the approach we use when dealing with any incident in our school. Restorative Practices are innovative ways to build safe, respectful and caring communities whilst supporting students to take responsibility for their actions. 

Child Safety

BNPS is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children. Our documentation relating to the important Child Safe Standards (Child Safe Policy, Child Safety Code of Conduct and Statement of Commitment to Child Safety) can be found on the BNPS Policies page of our website - we strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with these.


It is important to note that it is now a criminal offence for school staff not to report any reasonable suspicion that a child has been abused, or is at risk of being abused (including abuse that has, or is suspected to have taken place within or outside of school grounds and hours).

Cyber Safety

A copy of the ‘eSmart Internet Acceptable Use Agreement’ will be given to your child and explained by the teacher (to be discussed, signed and returned).



Students are NOT allowed to access the internet until this form has been received. 

Emergency Management

BNPS has a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan in case of an emergency. There are two main evacuation areas: the Oval and Basketball courts.



When the emergency signal is activated, all members of the school community are required to stop and listen to the instructions that follow the signal. They will then be instructed to move to the designated evacuation area and report to a staff member in a bright orange vest.

Student Engagement and Inclusion Policy

Our very important Student Engagement and Inclusion Policy underpins all of our strategies for managing student wellbeing including the rights and responsibilities of staff, students and parents.