School Holidays
- Monday 29 June-Friday 10 July
- Tuesday 18 August - Student Led Conferences - 11am-7pm
- Thursday 20 August - School Council Meeting
Attendance Procedures
If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence using one of the following methods:
**Online: log the absence directly using your Compass log in and password
**Telephone absence line: leave your child’s name, class, date of absences and reason – 9788 6290
Please notify the school of your child’s absence prior to 9.30am on the day of absence as an SMS will be sent out at 9.45am advising that your child is unaccounted for. This will help ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and will fulfil your legal responsibility.
Compass- Attendance Instructions
Canteen- Chalkboard Catering App
Students can download the Chalkboard Catering App to place orders online. Orders need to placed by 9am for the same day delivery, or it will register as the following day. Payment can be made by cash (when student's collect at the canteen) or via Credit card. If student's are unwell on the day please email the canteen before 9.30am to allow for a credit or refund to be organised.
Schools Privacy Policy
Student Insurance
Parents are reminded that the Department of Education and Mount Eliza Secondary College do not provide personal accident insurance for Students. Parents and guardians are responsible for the cost of medical treatment for injured students and transport costs including Ambulance transport in an emergency situation.
Student accident insurance policies are available for purchase through a number of insurance companies. Mount Eliza Secondary College is not in a position to recommend an insurance company as this is a personal choice depending on your circumstances.
Parents are also reminded that the Department of Education and Mount Eliza Secondary College do not provide insurance for personal possessions of any description including motor vehicles, for damage or theft at the College or on the College grounds. If insurance coverage is required we recommend you contact your insurance provider for further information.
Welcome - Stella
My name is Stella I am the new Mental Health Practitioner at the College. My working days are Monday and Tuesday’s. My office is located in the main administration building. Please feel free to arrange to visit me at the College to learn more about my role via appointment on 03 9787 6288.
I have previously worked with young people in educational settings as well as adult community mental health.
My career began in Broadmeadows and I have now ended up down the coast working in Mount Eliza. My role at the school has an educational focus (students, staff, parents) as well as a direct counselling/case management aspect for students.
In my spare time I like to go to go to local cafes, walks, watch some Netflix and spend time with family. I hope to contribute to the MESC community and become a part of a great school.
If you would like to refer your child to me please speak to myself Stella Pavlou, Angela Connelly (Well-being Lead), Gavan McCabe (Acting Principal) or Danielle Vaughan (Assistant Principal).
The group of students that I will be working with mostly includes but is not limited to: attendance challenges, disengagement, behavioural challenges, bullying, cyber safety, friendship challenges and academic progress.
Wellness Session for Year 12
On Wednesday, 18 March, Year 12 students had a Wellness session with Stella, our new Mental Health Practitioner. Year 12 can be quite challenging, so it is great that our students have an opportunity to access additional support at school.
Students worked in smaller groups and then debriefed as a year level their understanding of how to stay positive and focused under pressure.
Some of the helpful things mentioned were catching up with friends, regular breaks, going for walks, exercising and watching a favourite show or listening to the music.
It’s important that we have timetable with scheduled work and breaks and unties our study periods, so that we keep on track and don’t feel overwhelmed.
Monday 13 July
Student Free Day - All Students
Tuesday 14 July - All Students Return-
18 September 2020
5 October - 17 December