Principal's Report

Term 4 begins
This week we saw the beginning of the 2017 HSC written exams. With 76 Students sitting these exams we are very proud of each and every student as he or she does their very best over the next few weeks. I know that each has worked very hard to get to this point in their education. Cowra High is especially proud that this year we will have 15 Aboriginal students achieving their Higher School Certificate. This is the largest number of Cowra Aboriginal students to achieve this milestone in any one year. We now wish all the students the very best of luck.
Last weekend we were very pleased to have a stand at the Cowra Show. I believe our stand provided an excellent opportunity to show off a small sample of some of the wonderful work our students produce every day. The stand attracted many positive comments from visitors and I thank the staff and students who gave personal time to help out sharing our great school.
Speaking of the show, congratulations Jacqueline Dresser, Jack Beath, Cameron Dale and Kelsey Pollard who all put themselves forward as a Rural Young Achiever. Each is an outstanding young person and a great ambassador for the town of Cowra and Cowra High. A special thumbs up to Jacqueline for being selected as the 2017 Cowra Young Achiever.
Cowra High is currently in the process of developing a School Plan for the next three years and we are asking for your input. We have put together a very short survey as a way of consulting with the parent body about priorities for our directions our school will move in. As such, I ask that you please click on the following link and please complete survey. It should take no more than 10 minutes at the very most.
Have a good fortnight.
Charles Gauci