Principal's Report

Manuela Watson

Dear Parents and Friends,

This is an extra newsletter to inform you of a couple of exciting events that have happened over the last week at St Fidelis.


Firstly, last Tuesday was the beginning of the Foundation 2020 Transition Program. This program will run for the next four weeks. On Tuesday, we launched the program with a parents only evening where the parents were given an opportunity to reflect on "What it means to be Catholic and Why St Fidelis School?" Maria Forde facilitated the evening and it was attended by all our new families and existing families who have children commencing in Foundation in 2020. On Wednesday, the children commenced with their first transition session. We look forward to the next three weeks and welcoming all the new families and children.



Thank you to 5/6CJ students for a wonderful assembly launching out Bullying Prevention Policy. The students did a marvelous presentation and it will be featured in the front foyer entrance over the next few weeks. Kate Govic was our special guest (National Manager for schools and communities for Bullyzero). She presented us with some BULLYZERO banners for our school to ensure that our message is visible to all the community. As a school we are committed to creating an environment where the safety, wellbeing and participation of all children within our care is paramount.



October 21st  

Year 4 students visit Penola College for School Experience


October 22nd

Italian day and Family Reconciliation  evening 7:00pm


October 24th, October 30th, November 7th

2020 Foundation Transition Program 9:00am-10:00am


SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - Monday November 4th

On Monday November 4th there will be no school as this is a report-writing day for teachers.


Have a lovely week everyone,
