New teachers, new classrooms

Year 7 experiencing their first lessons this week

The first week

Welcome to all our wonderful Year 7 students. It's been a busy week for Year 7 - starting high school is a time of new experiences as students adjust to a new school, make new friends and get used to having different teachers and classrooms for each subject.  What a wonderful week so far!  


There will be some  great opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. These include competitions, sport, debating and much more.

Here's what some students had to say this week:

"I like that high school makes you become more independent like a young adult. I've had to pack all of my books for different subjects, learn my timetable and where my classrooms are".


" I like not being stuck in the one classroom all day, you actually get to move around the school for different subjects and get a change of scenery".

"All of the teachers here are really nice and super helpful. Even the older students, who I thought would be scary, have helped me find my way around the school".


 "I love all the new learning experiences here at high school. We get to learn new and interesting things that we didn't get to in primary school and there are so many cool subjects".


Have a look here at these resources can help with the transition to high school


If you have any questions, please contact us. We're here to help.


Mrs Renee Havas and Mr Morgan Howard, Year 7 Advisers