Our sustainable practices 

We aim to embed sustainability into every kinder session as it as an important part of our centre philosophy.  This include practices such as making sure our rubbish goes in the right bin, caring for our garden, learning about the interconnectedness of plants, animals and people and encouraging the children to spend time outside to learn to love and care for our natural world.


Each classroom has four bins, general waste, recycling, soft plastics and food scraps. The children always make sure to check which bin they should put their waste in and we chat about what belongs where. The children help to empty the food scrap bin into our compost and worm farm which leads to more conversations about what happens to our waste and a favourite topic, why worm poo is so good! 

This past weekend was Clean up Australia Day and Purple and Orange groups went on a rubbish hunt in the school yard, sorted the rubbish they found, watched some clips about recycling and played some games. The Orange group did such a good job of cleaning up the school that there was no rubbish left for Purple group to collect! Blue group will do their Clean up Australia Day activities a little later on.


Lately we have been talking about how and why to care for the plants we have in our kinder garden, the two most exciting are the lemon tree and the passion fruit vine. We have been talking about how great it will be when the lemons ripen and we can make lemonade. The passion fruit vine produces the most amazing flowers and we have been reminding the children to fight the temptation to pick them so we can all enjoy a delicious passion fruit soon. Each class also has their own garden bed and we will be getting busy planting some winter vegetables soon.


Throughout all of these activities the children are learning why it is important for us to care for our environment and all work towards a more environmentally friendly future.