Secondary Community News 

YEAR 7/8

The 7/8s have continued to learn about Aboriginal history and life before colonisation. The students have been learning to draw Aboriginal symbols and about how they tell a story in each art piece. The students have also been learning about how to keep safe on public transport. As we are planning to travel train at the end of the term, the students practiced wearing a mask and other safe practices while on the train. Congratulations to last weeks student of the week: Shayla, Justin, William J, Ben and Najwa!

YEAR 9/10

Hello from the 9/10s! We have recently undertaken a safe food handling course run by William Angliss Institute. The students learnt about wearing appropriate clothes in the kitchen, as well as correct PPE. They also practiced what they learnt by chopping cakes and making milkshakes.


ASDAN Work Experience



The ASDAN students have been learning about why people work, the difference between paid and voluntary work and the types of work people do in the community. We have been exploring the eight employability skills, with a focus on Team Work and Initiative. 

An important part of the ASDAN program is Work Experience. All of the ASDAN students have been learning to follow instructions and build practical working skills.

Our focus has been on developing gardening skills. It has been wonderful to see all of the students participate actively in the program and enjoy their time doing so. 


This term, SSD have been working very hard at Westvale Gardens, whilst SSC and 9/10E have been travelling to Blackwood camp every Tuesday to complete a variety of gardening activities. Everyone works hard but we have a great time.

Well done ASDAN students, you make us very proud.