Student Opportunities

We ended 2021 with the hope of seeing the last of Covid 19 yet before we knew it we had Omicron knocking on our door. This required us to continue to be flexible with our teaching and learning programmes.


We want children to be Motivated, Caring and Successful learners. We achieve this at Mangere Central School by offering a variety of innovative opportunities. 


On My Walk

We are excited to continue our On my Walk production.

It began because we could no longer host live assemblies but it soon became something much bigger than that. It has become a video diary and celebration of our school and all the creative talents within it in action. This is our third year of showcasing our talent, celebrating our success and opening our connections with our community and the world.


Below is our very first episode - from 2020 -  A blast from the past



We continue to work with BaseFM this year. 

BaseFM is a mentoring music programme supported by local radio station BaseFM.

Students participate in basic radio DJ'ing, learning to write, mix, and perform their very own track/song. Each student will walk away with a music video consisting of footage from the recording process, Base FM on air performance, and live performance element - matched with the mixed and mastered audio track. Sometimes our students even get to work with Kiwi musicians and gain an insight into what skills are needed to pursue their love of music and the arts.


Featuring LAWS and Beat Squad -  2021 groups


Discovery and Whanau Languages

We want children to engage in learning contexts that are relevant and meaningful to them. Ones that allow them to learn through inquiry and develop independence.  Through all of this we want our children to acquire the key competencies that are necessary to be successful in learning and life.


Whanau Language Programme

This year we have planned that all children will rotate through learning and experiencing a variety of languages and the cultures associated with those languages - beginning Friday 25 February.


Discovery Programme

This year we have planned that all children will rotate through a variety of S.T.E.A.M opportunities - beginning Friday 11 March.