Covid Guide 

We are living in challenging times, but far less challenging than the people of Ukraine are living through right now. No matter the politics, our thoughts are with all the families wanting to simply live and look after their children and loved ones.


Due to the rapid increase in Omicron cases the rules are also rapidly changing.


Keeping you fully informed of changes as soon as they are communicated to us means a lot of message posts.  Hopefully, you are keeping up to date with our FaceBook posts with new information.


The latest changes refer to multiple cases of Covid-19 in a family - happening on different dates and with some family members not becoming infected.


If you have a positive case in your family and a child who is not positive, that child can return after the initial 10 days are up for the first positive case in the household, with negative test results on day 3 and 10, and no symptoms for 48 hours.


If another person in your family tests positive within that ten days - for example, five days after the first positive case in the household - your child who is not positive can now still return after a total of ten days of isolation from the first positive household case, with negative tests and no symptoms for at least 48 hours before returning.


Obviously at any stage, if your child tests positive- they need to stay home for 10 days-  with the day of first symptoms being counted as day zero.


Before the rules meant the second positive case would have caused the ten days to begin again for your non-positive child at the time of the second positive test in your family. That no longer applies,


These are the rules for when your child can return - the decision about returning at that point is still yours though- and you may wish to follow a more cautious approach.


Below is a flow chart created by our school showing how to know when your child can come back to school.


The number of positive cases will continue to grow. 

This is our new normal, but it is important for us to not feel bad about this. 

You and we are all doing all we can to keep our children safe and well, and we will continue to do so. 


Below are two posters that may help you in terms of Red Light Phase 3.


If you have questions or concerns - please contact me 

               via email at         

               via call or text to          021 47 8887