Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 4th March 

Bodhi M (PA) - For always doing your Personal Best and focusing on your tasks. Bodhi you are such a wonderful learner and we love having you in our class.

Xander  S-S (12A) -  For always displaying Tribes values in the classroom and school yard. Xander , you continually try your personal best, show attentive listening and always show others respect. You are awesome! Keep it up!

Elliot F (12B) - For doing your best ever writing work this week after reading Thelma the Unicorn, and for sharing your fabulous dance moves with your teacher and classmates. 

Mia J (12B)  - For always putting in your personal best effort and being a superstar student. You are such a wonderful role model for other students, and we love having you in 1/2B!

Harmeet K (12C) - For always showing kindness and respect towards others. Harmeet you show respect by attentively listening. Your kindness shines when you include others in activities . Keep up the great work Harmeet.

Marly M (34A) -  For your endless enthusiasm and desire to improve. I am always impressed by your ability to approach your learning with a growth mindset – asking yourself ‘What more can I add to this?’ I’m really proud of your effort and hard work Marly!

Danika E (34B) - For the excellent job she did of showing her reading fluency and expression when presenting a poem to the class. You had the audience listening very attentively. Great job Danika!

Percy C (34C) - You are stepping up and demonstrating natural leadership qualities. You are role modelling personal best work and taking responsibility for your own learning. Well done and congratulations! Keep up the great work.

Jade S (56A) - For continually demonstrating the TRIBES agreements on a daily basis. Jade is always respectful, empathetic and tolerant of everyone. Thank you, Jade

 Josh F (56B) - For your on going eagerness to share your understanding in the numbers game. You take the time to firstly get yourself an answer, then show confidence sharing.


Friday 11th March

Adeline A (PA) - For always showing kindness, patience and your Personal Best efforts in everything you do. Adeline, you are such a wonderful role model to your classmates.

 Matilda S (12A) -  For always trying her personal best in writing and reading. Matilda, it’s great to see you always submitting your best work and always being a shining example of trying your personal best. Keep it up!

Vasilis K (12B) - For being a wonderful classroom helper to your classmates and teacher and putting in your Personal Best effort on your maths tasks! Well done, Vasilis!

Aiva T (12B) - For always listening attentively to class instructions and putting in your Personal Best effort on your learning tasks and creating some amazing work! Great effort, Aiva!

Cooper H (12C) - For always striving for your personal best in class.  You always approach a challenge positively, showing your Growth Mindset towards your learning. Keep up the amazing work!

Percy N (34A) - For the sensational effort you have put into your classwork. I love seeing the improvement in your reading and writing – especially your work with the book ‘Hey Jack.’ Keep it up superstar!

Reya B (34B) - For the excellent effort Reya put into her poetry reading. Reya worked beautifully with her partner to present a poem with great fluency and expression. We really enjoyed the facial expressions that added to the presentation.

Violet P (34C) - For consistently doing your Personal Best work nd for taking proactive steps toward achieving your SMART goals. Your creative spirit and positive attitude are setting you up for a wonderfully successful 2022.

Xanthe N (56A) - For always doing her personal best in everything she attempts and for continually demonstrating strong leadership qualities!

 Lily B (56B) - For making an incredible start to your school life at Marlborough. It's been great seeing how well you have settled into our class and your kind nature when making friends.