Chaplaincy news

Claire Cheeseman, School Chaplain


So much has happened in the last fortnight. Instead of my normal reflection, I’d like to invite the Shelford community to be praying together. 


Prayer for Ukraine 

Loving God,


We pray for the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia, for their countries and their leaders. 


We pray for all those who are afraid, would you hold them in this time of great fear.  


We pray for those who are fleeing Ukraine right now and we pray for those who are staying to fight for their country. Would you give everyone, regardless of their hard choice courage, protection and safety.  


We pray for all those who have the power over life and death; that they will choose for all people life, and life in all its fullness. 


We pray for those who choose war, that they will seek for peace and turn back from violence.  


We pray for leaders on the world stage, that they would stand up and speak up in strength against the choices of Putin. 


Above all, we pray for peace for Ukraine. 



Prayer for Floods  

Creator God, 


We pray for all those in farms, small towns, and cities in Australia whose lives have been disrupted and whose dreams have been dashed by the floods that have devastated the country. 


We pray for those who have lost their homes, their cars, their treasured possessions, their crops, their animals, and their livelihoods. It is a terrible thing to be homeless and helpless. Be with and sustain those whose entire world has been torn apart and washed away. Assuage their fears and be patient with their anger. Grant them patience and hope that eventually they can rebuild their lives and start afresh. 


We are grateful to the emergency flood workers and all those who were heroes in helping those in distress during the floods. Be with those who are caring for flood victims that their compassion and presence will be life-sustaining. We pray you sustain those who serve these communities. We are thankful for those who serve others and provide us all with the inspiration to do the same. 


May this nightmare end shortly. May healing begin swiftly. 


Oaktree Chickens 

Many of you have noticed the wonderful Oaktree Community Chickens that are under the big old oak tree near the church hall.  

You can enter the playground gates and go to visit the chickens inside their house. We ask for parents to supervise those in Junior school and remind all to correctly close the chicken house latch if you do choose to go and hug a chicken!


You can find out more by following @chickensofoaktree on Instagram or emailing chickens@oaktreeanglican.chuch  


Claire Cheeseman

School Chaplain