Junior School news

Vicky Gemmell and Jacqui Sidaway


Congratulations to our Year 3–6 Junior School Parliamentarians: Ava S, Misha P, Ivy A, Annabel M, Nihara P and Aaliah V. They have been elected by their peers to represent their homerooms and bring student voice to regular Student Parliament meetings in the Drawing Room. There, they will discuss issues and implement improvements to students’ experiences at school. We look forward to following their progress as role models to fellow students and as active participants in the life of their year levels and the Junior School. 


In Prep and Year 1 the children have been learning the colours and singing 'I can see a rainbow' in Japanese. Through interactive games and activities, we can identify the hiragana/roomaji and say the different colours. Students completed a word search on colours and learnt about Kokeshi dolls. In the picture, the girls are busy playing Japanese whispers. We are having fun in our class with lots of singing, dancing, writing and speaking.  


In Year 5 Japanese, we are busy revising our Hirgana. We use flashcards to play around the world and we have booklets we can work on individually. In small groups students are creating a small skit about a Japanese lesson. The classroom Skit involves starting the class and taking the roll in Japanese, asking the teacher/student to do things, borrowing classroom objects and expressing emotions about the class in Japanese. This topic is creating a lot of laughter and Japanese language being spoken in the classroom. 

Year 3 Art – Symmetry around the world 

In Visual Art, Grade 3 students have been inquiring into symmetry across the world. We started with ourselves by turning our names into symmetrical art using reflection symmetry. Can you guess some of the names? We then explored reflection and radial symmetry further by creating Islamic Geometric Tiles and Mandalas. Next, we will be exploring Japanese Notan art.

Afternoon collection 

Please help us ensure the safety of our Junior School students in the afternoon by avoiding double-parking at any time and by reducing the traffic on Hood Crescent as much as possible. This may look like parking a little further away and walking to collect your child from the school. You might consider encouraging your child to walk, bike or scoot to school if you live close enough. We respectfully remind JS parents that you should collect your children from the JS gate (Gate 3) – not from across the road. However, if you are collecting a Prep, Year 1 or Year 2 child, we kindly ask that you collect your child from the main entrance of the JDC, older siblings are encouraged to meet you there. Finally, please help us keep our relationship with our neighbours friendly by not parking in car parks assigned to others, or obstructing driveways.  


Student lunch orders 

Please remember to order lunch using the online system. If your child arrives at school without lunch, her teacher can arrange to send an order through in one of the brown paper bags we have available in the classroom, as Junior students are not permitted to purchase from The Hood during the school day. 


Kiva Micro-Lending Program  

This year we are introducing a program called Kiva as part of our Service Learning at Shelford. This is a micro-lending program, where each classroom will be asked to fundraise and then choose from thousands of different enterprises to support across the world. The loans support small businesses and start-ups in developing countries.   


We ask parents to consider donating towards their child’s class page (click on the year level/class below): 

If you have any questions, please contact Service Learning Coordinator, Claire Cheeseman: ccheeseman@shelford.vic.edu.au   


Easter raffle   

This year we are running an Easter raffle, and 100% of all proceeds will support the Royal Children’s Hospital. This week each student will receive ten raffle tickets to take home.  


Please write your child’s name and a telephone number on each ticket you purchase and then return the money and the stubs in an envelope to the office or classroom teacher by Wednesday 6 April. We will draw the raffle during the Easter Chapel Service on the final day of Term 1. You can purchase up to 10 tickets per child, however, you are welcome to donate more than $10. 


We are also asking for donations for Easter hampers. Each classroom will have a coloured collection tub where donations may be placed. We are asking for chocolate eggs, bunnies and other yummy Easter goodies, as well as Easter-themed toys, mugs, colouring books and reading books.   


Vicky Gemmell, Head of Junior School – Student Wellbeing and Development

Jacqui Sidaway, Head of Junior School – Curriculum and Innovation