Term 2 Week 5

Home Learning 


This week students will be completing a writer's grid over the course of the week. The writing grid gives students choice for personal writing. The learning intention for each session is to be confident to write and draw independently about feelings, topics and experiences in a variety of

different ways. The grid is separated into four different topic, personal, sports, gratitude and general. Students will complete one task from each row over the week. The guidelines for the writer's grid can be found here.


This week we continue to use Picture Story Books as our focus for literature. This week our book,  'The day the crayons quit' looks at cause and effect.


To develop the reading comprehension strategies of thinking about the text, thinking within the text and thinking beyond the text  the students will work through optional literacy activities in  the 'The day the crayons quit' Literacy Menu. Students are familiar with this format as they worked on literacy menus in term one in class.

This week in our mini lesson we continue to focus on inferring and support with evidence. Inferring is a prerequisite for higher-order thinking and 21st century skills (Marzano, 2010). Helping students understand when information is implied, or not directly stated, will improve their skill in drawing conclusions and making inferences.


Students will continue exploring rules 2 & 3 this week about when 'c' and 'g' make their second sounds. We will practice reading and spelling words that have these sound patterns in them, and attempt another online 'spelling quiz' later in the week.


All students should have received their login details for our new online book library, 'Epic'. At this stage, we are providing students free choice over the books available. Some books do have the capability of being audio-books, but always encourage your child to follow on with the words if they choose this feature.


Number and Algebra. This week students will continue to look at the process and  use of the vertical algorithm for addition of two, three and four digit numbers with and without renaming.  Students will also have to apply their knowledge of addition to solve real life math problems. 


Measurement and Geometry. Students will continue to expand their understanding and knowledge of time. They will explore reading and showing time to the minute. They will view video clips and then apply their understandings and skills by completing a range of  activities.

Unit of Inquiry

This week students be looking at the three levels of government in Australia and the areas they are responsible for making laws about.  The will learn about the local, state and federal governments.  We will then progress and discuss why laws can  change and  why and how new laws are introduced.  



Each day students are to be reflective about their learning by adding to their emoji reflection sheet. This is an important part of their daily learning.


This week we encourage the students to find a moment each day to switch off from all devices and have some quality conversations with their family. We invite the students to create a conversation jar and fill it with conversation sentences starters that provoke meaningful discussion. Some examples of these conversations starters can be found on the daily planner. 

Grade 3 Team

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows:


Sylvia Zanati (3A) -



Georgia Kirk (3B) -



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C) -




Bill Kolivas (3D) -



Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit)
