Principal's Page

Jo Flynn

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the last newsletter for Term 3. I don't know where the year has gone. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy student vacation with your children. 

Today we celebrated mercy day in honour of Catherine McAuley. It was good to see so many of you attend the school to share part of this day with your children. What a fun day. HITSFM broadcasted live from the school which added a special element to our celebrations. The highlight for me was the golden rope contest. 




As today is a celebration of Catherine McAuley, let us pray  the school prayer:

Loving God,

We ask you to bless Catherine McAuley School 

And challenge us to act in the spirit of Catherine, 

with mercy and compassion.

May we inspire all in our community to be learners 

that endeavour to thrive and to serve;

Guide our community to live our Mercy Values 

and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.



Thank you to Mrs Shannon Cain and all the teachers who have been busy preparing for our celebration to make sure it was a fun day for everyone.  

We look forward to Mass tomorrow at 9.30am in the Church and the presentation of this year's McAuley Awards to those students who teachers have nominated for demonstrating our Mercy Values. 


Soccer Stars 

Congratulations to Jesse Board and Hudson Diduszko who have been select to play for Juventus soccer club in Sydney. This is a great achievement as literally thousands of boys try out to be select to play at this club. Well done boys.



On the return to school after the student vacation period, students are to wear their full summer uniform. Please see below:

Boys Summer Uniform

Grey Shorts (school type, not cargo or corduroy)

Blue shirt

Grey socks - above the ankle

Plain, black shoes designed for school wear (not canvas)

Navy School hat

Girls Summer Uniform

Pink check dress with V collar and button front

White socks - above the ankle

Plain, black shoes designed for school wear. (not canvas )

Navy School hat

 Students at Catherine McAuley School are expected to be attired in the correct school uniform each day of the school year and present themselves in line with the school dress code.  This code includes the following:

  • Kindergarten to Year 6 students need to maintain their hair in an appropriate manner  –styles must not be extreme and natural hair colour must not be varied in any way.
  • For Health reasons, all students who choose to have hair longer than collar length or fringes over their eyes, must keep their hair tied up neatly and out of their eyes using the correct hair accessories. (please see the uniform list below).
  • School shoes must be plain, black shoes designed for school wear.  It is expected they will be regularly cleaned and maintained in a good state of repair. 
  • Joggers may be worn with the Sports Uniform on Sport days only. 
  • Jewellery is limited to a watch (without online messaging capabilities) one small ring, and one set of  stud earrings.
  • Make-up and nail polish are not to be worn to school 
  • Name branded uniform items  such as socks or shorts are not permitted.
  • School hats are to be worn at Recess and Lunch on the playground each day during Terms 1 & 4.
  • Students are encouraged to apply sunscreen before they come to school in Terms 1 & 4.

Uniform requirements can be purchased from: 

Orange Clothing Manufacturers, 4 McNamara St, Orange 

Kingfisher School Gear, 151 Summer Street, 

Orange Lowes, Orange Central Shopping Centre 131 / 222 Summer St 

Clothing Pool at School for 2nd hand clothing at a reduced cost 

A School Bag with the School name and logo is also available from the Front Office.


Staffing Arrangements for Term 4, KM and 6Y

As you are aware there have been some changes in staff over the year. Arrangements for Term 4 are being finalised and will be communicated to parents as they are finalised. 


warm regards,

Jo Flynn