e-Learning News 



Community: Year 1/2 

Focus: Use digital systems to present data creatively. 


This week in our small group focus on ‘using digital technology in Literacy,’ we finally got to use Bee-Bots!! I have been delighted to share the wonderful progress the Year 1/2 focus group has made in their coding journey with Bee-Bots. They have worked well through our unplugged sessions getting themselves ready for the next stage in their learning. 

It was great to see how engaged the students were and their use of  sequencing and directional language through our discussions. Although the students have been having heaps of fun engaging in the sessions, these focus groups have been beneficial in fostering critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration. 


We discussed some misconceptions about how to use some of the sequencing buttons and making sure our Beet-Bots are given ‘ALL’ information in order to perform the commands we want them to do. 


Oh and making sure our Bee-Bots have been reset before we begin using them!! 

e-Learning Leader  

Stefanie Poropat