Family Educator's Corner
Mrs Elena Razzoli
Family Educator's Corner
Mrs Elena Razzoli
Dear God
Please give us the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges may come our way,
and help us to be a source of love and support for those around us.
We pray for Your protection and care for all those in need,
and for Your wisdom and discernment to guide us in making good choices.
We trust in Your love and care for us,
and we thank You for Your continued presence in our lives.
Thank you for Your ability to make greater good come out of any difficulty we face.
Dear St Martha’s Families
Let’s thank God for this probable miracle that has just taken place this week in Fatima, Portugal:
Speaking of youth, St Martha’s School is (together with some local Catholic Primary Schools) once again, this year, making HSC Packs for the students of the local Catholic High Schools: St Vincent’s College Ashfield and Domremy Five Dock. We will prepare a small pack for the students who are doing their HSC this year.
If your family would like to write a wishing-well-message for a HSC student, could you please email me ( by Friday 18 August and I will give a printed card (as shown here below) to your child/ren to bring home so that your family can write a message for a HSC student. Thank you in advance for your kindness and support.
Here is a reminder about the importance of praising the process and the effort, rather than the intelligence and abilities:
The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at St Martha’s Catholic Church on Tuesday 15 August at 7.30 am, 11.40 am (with the school community), and 6.00 pm.
27 August is St Monica’s Feast Day. St Monica is the Patron Saint of wives and mothers.
I will be putting together a booklet with some tips/quotes on motherhood and marriage.
I’d be very grateful if you could please email me ( by Friday 18 August any tips/pieces of advice/quotes you have on motherhood and marriage. Thank you in advance for sharing your wisdom.
If you need prayers for a crucial intention, St Monica has long been known for her powerful intercession. For many years, Monica prayed fervently for the conversion of her pagan husband and her rebellious son. Through her perseverance, her son eventually converted and became one of the greatest Saints and philosophers: Saint Augustine.
If you’d like to join me in praying a Novena to St Monica, for yourself, a mum, a wife, or for a conversion within your family, please email me at by Thursday 17 August and I’ll email you the daily reminders of the Novena to St Monica.
Storytime will resume in the St Martha’s school hall in Term 4 on Thursday 12 October 2023 and will run on the following dates from 8:45 am to 10 am:
If you’d like to receive weekly Bible stories & art and craft/school prep activities this term, please email, thank you.
All parents, grandparents, and carers are warmly invited to email me at by Wednesday 16 August to let me know:
Wednesday 8 November 2023: All parents, carers, grandparents, and preschoolers are warmly invited to a Day Pilgrimage to St Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney. If you’re interested in attending the pilgrimage to St Mary MacKillop’s place on 8 November, could you please email at your earliest convenience
If your family has any prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to email me at at any time. If you’d like to, your prayer intentions can also be placed in our next school newsletter and the whole St Martha’s community can pray for your intentions.
You’re all warmly invited to the following upcoming retreats and events. If you'd like to register or if you have any questions, please email, thank you.
Recently, a St Martha’s mum was humbly sharing with me and another mum how she realized she’s often confessing the same sin over and over. I think many of us can relate to this mum.
This weekend, I’d like to invite you all to sit down with a cuppa and enjoy this talk on ‘Why can’t I change?’ - Wisdom from St Thérèse:
Wishing you all a beautiful and restful weekend
Mrs. Elena Razzoli
Family Educator