A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
Following on from the implementation of the new K-2 English and Mathematics syllabuses this year, all NSW schools are currently undergoing professional development for the new 3-6 English and Mathematics syllabuses which will begin to be taught next year.
The key features are:
On Monday, our teachers worked with teachers from the Ashfield - Olympic Park Network to look further at the changes to the new English syllabus, the progression from the K-2 syllabus and teaching strategies that could be used in the new focus areas. At a school level, the teachers will continue to focus on the English syllabus for the remainder of this term before shifting focus to the Mathematics syllabus in Term 4.
Soon you will receive a note via Compass outlining a process for monitoring and tracking behaviour on the playground. While our focus is on rewarding positive behaviour, there is occassion where we need to remind students of our expectations. The purpose of tracking behaviour is that the staff on the SPBL team can analyse this data and focus on any areas that need improving.
Each week, as part of SPBL, we have a focus. Over the course of the week, the teachers will go over the expectations and the matrix of expected behaviours for that focus area. Teachers may also take the students out to the area to practice 'in-situ' or complete a lesson in class. In future newsletters, we will list our upcoming focus areas and the matrix.