Faith and Mission

Feast of the Assumption on Tuesday 15 August

In Mary’s glorious assumption we celebrate the fulfilment of our Christian destiny, and with her we proclaim the greatness of the Lord. The Feast of the Assumption is a special feast day to honour Mary, the mother of Jesus. Let us offer our Mass for our own mothers, who like Mary demonstrate unconditional love.

As we are told in the Book of Revelation:

“A great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, The moon beneath her feet, And a crown of twelve stars on her head.”

Prayer for Mary

All-powerful and ever-living God,

You raised the sinless Virgin Mary, Mother of your Son,

Body and soul to the glory of heaven. 

May we see heaven as our final goal and come to share her glory.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

Mazenod Mission Day is on Tuesday Next Week

For many years Mazenod College has been supporting the work of the Oblates in India through the funds that we have raised. For the past few years, in partnership with the Indian OMI Province, we have been sponsoring St Eugene’s School in Tallapudi in central India. The Mazenod Mission Day is a chance to assist the Oblates of India financially in a heart-felt act of practical solidarity.


This year, after a request from the Indian Oblates, we are supporting a new Oblate School in India, St Eugene English School at Ladlakadong in Northeastern India. The Oblates established the school in 2016 and it now has 72 students coming from seven neighbouring villages as well as seven teachers and two Oblate priests. The school was opened to educate the poor children from the surrounding area. The money that we are raising will help to improve their school infrastructure by dividing existing buildings into classrooms for teaching purposes. As a result, this will help students to better pay attention to their teachers and class work.

If you are able to help financially ($30 per family) by giving to our MMD appeal, please deposit a Direct Deposit into the College’s bank account – 066112 009 00369 (MMD – Family Name). Thank you to those families who have already donated to this appeal.

Mazenod and St Brigid’s Sleepout for the Homelessness

There was a great spirit on Thursday 3 August as over 100 students from Mazenod and St Brigid’s came together to learn about homelessness and face the cold for just one night. It turned out to be the coldest night in Perth, so far this year. 

Students were treated to guest speakers including Mazenod College’s own Mr Wani and Vinnies’ Youth Coordinator, Hannah Taylor. Mr Wani talked to the students about a school that he has built in his home village in South Sudan, with assistance from the locals and donations from people in Australia. 


Hannah Taylor then talked to the students about the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Western Australia and how our two schools can continue to support this important work. 


In the morning we concluded with a hearty cooked breakfast and a thanksgiving Mass celebrated by our Oblate Fathers Ousley, McMahon and Joe Antony. So far, the de Mazenod Vinnies Conference has raised $4700 from the Sleepout. All money will go to help people in need.

Flower Roster Volunteers


Morning Mass 

Week day Masses begin at 8:00am in the College Chapel. However, Wednesday morning Mass begins at 8:10am. These Masses are assigned to a group of students who are involved in their preparation and focus on a particular theme or feast day. Below is a table outlining this term’s Wednesday Masses to which everyone from the Mazenod community is extended a warm invitation to attend.


Term 3: Wednesday Masses

Week 5August 15 (Tuesday)Whole School Mass
Week 6August 23Year 11
Week 7August 30Year 7
Week 8September 6Father’s Day
Week 9September 13Tempier
Week 10September 20Year 11 Leadership Camp participants



Damian Wallis

Director of Faith and Mission