In Maths, the Preps continued to estimate and compare the length of objects. They used a variety of informal units such as hand spans, counting blocks and icy pole sticks.
The Preps are also learning about subtraction. They have been learning to start with the biggest number and take away the smaller number. The students listened to the story Ten Red Apples and then represented the story of the animals eating the apples using ten frames, number sentences and drawings.
In literacy rotations, the students have been participating in various activities to support their phonics and writing skills further.
Education in Faith
On Wednesday, 8th August, the Preps and Year Sixes will attend mass. The 8th of August is the Feast Day of Saint Mary MacKillop. The Preps have been learning about the life and achievements of Saint Mary MacKillop.
AFL Clinic
On Wednesday, the Preps participated in an AFL skills clinic with Max. They practised teamwork, listening, following instructions, and learning ball skills.