Year 11 and 12

A peek into year 11 and 12 activities for this term

Stress Busters 🤽🏻‍♀️

During our Connect program yesterday, Year 11 students chose and participated in an activity to relax their minds and reduce stress. The ‘playdough’ group were engaged, creative and enthusiastic. A fun and stress free session for all.

College Debutantes👗

Congratulations to our second group of 2023, Sunbury College Debutantes. We are extremely proud of our students who danced so well, looked amazing and behaved wonderfully on the weekend. It was another great night for our school community!

Warm and Fuzzy Day 🛌

On August 8, it was Warm and Fuzzy day for our year 12 students. They were invited to come to school in their PJ’s, given free coffee and hot chocolates in the morning, received positive messages from their teachers and peers, had a sausage sizzle at brunch and completed an Amazing Race activity during connect. Today was a wonderful day to celebrate and support our senior students who are nearing the end of Year 12. Check out some more photos from this on our school's Facebook!