
Mindflight Incursion


Mrs Kellie EGAN

Careers Coordinator



On Wednesday 2nd August our Year 8 and 9 students participated in the Mindflight7 career incursion. 


Using virtual reality (VR) technology to fully immerse students, the Mindflight7 experiences are designed to allow students to travel to far off places on virtual field trips, connecting them with experts in their field and providing virtual ‘hands on’ learning opportunities. Students were able to select from a number of exciting and challenging VR experiences across a broad scope of subject areas. Some of the students crowd favourite experiences were; The aviation flight simulator: where students were learnt to ‘fly’ an aeroplane or helicopter, Nature Trek: where students were transported to remote landscapes and able to manipulate the environment and study the impacts, Multibrush: where students had full creative freedom to create 3D drawings, and the Space Missions: where students were able to experience weightless of space in the International Space Station or drive a rover on Mars.


After free range to explore the experiences available, students were encouraged to adapt a growth mindset- by stepping outside of their comfort zone and trying an app they felt they may not necessarily enjoy or be good at. 


This challenged students to let go of preconceived biases and allow them to explore new opportunities, expand their way of thinking and maybe even discover a new skill or interest.


By experiencing the range of possibilities that virtual reality allows, students are compelled to look towards the future - one that may even consider a career in VR programming and development. The opportunities are endless.


Mrs Egan, Careers Coordinator