
In Term Three, students will be exploring the question ‘How Do Cultures Communicate Through the Arts?’ through the lens of Dance, Drama and Intercultural Capabilities and through the Whole School Production. As a year level we will also be looking at Global Goal #16- Peace, Justic and Strong Institutions, where learners will consider how to promote inclusivity and diversity through the arts.  



Our Inquiry learning will help students to connect to their own personal and family culture, as well as explore different cultures within the classroom and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Students will explore the impact the arts have on cultures and how messages can be conveyed through different artforms. Their learning will help them to understand the different ways in which cultures communicate verbally and non-verbally. This learning will result in the learners conveying a message of peace and embracing cultural diversity through different artforms.  


We look forward to encouraging students to think broadly about communicating important messages using the Arts, as well as developing deep questions to be investigated as individuals and as a class.  



You can support this learning at home by:   


  • Discussing stories from your culture and how they are portrayed through the Arts. 
  • Exploring different art mediums (e.g. TV shows, Books, Movies, Artworks, Advertisements, etc) and how they communicate a message. 


Key words for Inquiry 




