
In Term Three, the Level 4 learners will further their understanding of Mathematical concepts by applying their personalised SURF goals through independent learning tasks and reflections based on their journey of the Success Criteria.  


The students will be transferring their prior knowledge of the four operations and deepening their understanding of money and financial mathematics, by creating simple budgets, calculating change and connecting the concepts of percentages and decimals through this.  


The Level 4 learners will explore the concepts of Mapping, Location and Graphing. Through this unit the students will be developing their understanding of symmetry, tessellations, directional language, mapping graphs as well as cartesian planes.  

Lastly, the students will be investigating the concept of time by calculating elapsed time, determining the connection between 12- and 24-hour time, and confidently using and reading a timetable.  


The Level Four learners have had the opportunity to incorporate digital technologies into mathematics learning, by using their knowledge of Elapsed Time to the Sphero Robots. They challenged their thinking by planning, preparing and creating a course for their coded robots to manoeuvre through with a dedicated time lapsed to do this in. Learning to a deep level, students were able to connect their knowledge of time to work out the speed per minute the Sphero Robots were moving at. Learners will be given the opportunity to make connections and transfer Mathematics to real-world situations.  


To support your child at home with their Mathematics learning, you may find the following real-life tasks helpful: 


  • Your child could assist in creating a budget for the weekly shopping. 
  • Discuss with your child how financial planning is a part of everyday life. 
  • Encourage your child to provide you with directions next time you are leaving the house to go somewhere using the assistance of a GPS. 
  • Create a family timetable/schedule for everyone to follow with your child being included in the creation. 
  • Encourage your child to tell the time on both a digital and analogue clock.  
  • Ask your child to estimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task and then they can time themselves. For example: How long do you think it will take you to complete your Writing Home Learning this week? Or How long do you think it will take to make your lunch today? 


Key words for Mathematics 

Financial Mathematics 




Elapsed Time