Level 4 -Term 3
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We would like to welcome all the new families who have recently joined and welcome back all our familiar faces. The first half of the year has come and gone with such pace. Term Two was full of rich learning opportunities that demonstrated the students’ ability to grow and challenge themselves.
Now that Semester Two is upon us, learners will continue to deepen their critical thinking skills and explore a range of topics. We are excited to see the school production coming together in Term Three, the learners will continue to finetune their dancing skills, where they will demonstrate their ability to replicate a series of complicated moves in unison as well as add in their own artistic flair.
We are looking forward to the wonderful learning that will take place throughout this term.
Important Dates for Term 3:
- 2nd 3rd 4th August – Australian Maths Competition
- 8th August – Digital Technologies ICAS
- 9th August – Writing ICAS
- 10th August – Whole School Production @ Robert Blackwood Hall
- 15th August – English ICAS
- 22nd August – Science ICAS
- 23rd August – Spelling Bee ICAS
- 29th August – Maths ICAS
- 15th September – Term concludes