Breakfast Club

Thank you to our new volunteers who have started helping out this year. Some mornings we feed well over 100 students, and it couldn’t be done without our amazing helpers. Volunteering involves setting up the table, serving cereal in disposable cups, preparing fruit and packing away the breakfast.
Even if you can only help one day a week, or for part of the time we really appreciate it. We are also open to the possibility of running the program on other mornings if we have a minimum of 2 helpers. Please come by on a Tuesday or Thursday before school, or email Jade Hansted ( for more information.
With our option of takeaway breakfast, it means we need lots of cups and spoons!
If you have any packs of disposable cups or spoons that you’d like to donate to our program (any size or type), please drop them off at the office or to one of our friendly helpers on a Tuesday or Thursday morning.