Teaching and Learning in 5N

During Term 1, 5N learnt all about how to survive in the desert. As a class we looked at what a desert is. Many of the students were shocked to hear that Antarctica is a desert. It is an icy one, not a sandy one!
We looked at the different continents around the world and where all the deserts were. Some of the deserts we looked at were the Sahara, Arabian, Gobi, Kalahari, Mojave and the Great Sandy.
Then we focused on how plants survive in the desert. We discovered that they have different features to help them such as small leaves, spines for shade, glossy leaves to reflect sunlight, large roots to trap water underground and thick trunks to contain water.
We then researched how animals survive in the desert and we found they have big ears, light coloured coats, humps to store fat, live underground, hunt at night, rarely sweat/urinate, have tough lips to eat thorny plants and have leathery feet.
Then we brainstormed what essential items a human would need to take to the desert. The students said: water, food, first aid kit, sun protection, map/compass, comb to get spikes out of clothing, mirror to shine for help, insulated clothing for cold nights and a whistle if separated from your group.
To finish off our Desert Survivors science topic, the students designed their own plant that could survive in the desert. They had to think about the features desert plants have and explain why they designed the plant the way they did. Below are some of the fantastic plants students designed.