Principal's Report

I hope all our wonderful LPS mums (including our staff) were spoilt last Sunday. You are all such an important part of our school community and your ongoing support is much appreciated!
Staff Professional Learning
Over the past 18 months we have been working closely with Gavin Mahoney from Leading Teams to build a culture of excellence at our school. That means excellence from teachers and excellence from students. Many people will know Leading Teams from the work they have done in the AFL,however they also work with leadership teams across schools and industry to build great cultures.
We have spent time reviewing our school wide values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility and developing statements as to what it means to us as a staff and how it correlates to the work in which we do every day.
On Tuesday evening the LPS staff spent time with Fiona Biss (Speech Therapist) further developing our practice in teaching spoken and written language.
The Oval
I look forward to the day I don’t have to give an oval update!
Thanks to School Council who last week approved some ‘extras’ for the oval.
The extras include:
- A larger rainwater tank
- Better controller (to save water)
- Extra turf for the hill (that kids like to roll down at lunch time)
- Stairs down to the back soccer pitch
- A new fence along the oval and farm separating the sensory garden from the oval
There is still some levelling to be done however the turf is ready and waiting in Clyde to be delivered when this part is complete.
Walk to School Day
A reminder that tomorrow is Walk to School Day. Staff will be down at the church happy to walk with you to school. A small activity to promote safe and healthy walking habits. We will walk groups down throughout the morning from about 8am.
Prep 2024
Our Prep tours have been very well attended and it has been a pleasure taking prospective parents through our school. If you know someone who needs to enrol, or you need to enrol another child now is the time to come in and grab an enrolment pack.
Please remember that as part of our school uniform long hair needs to be tied back.
Education Week
This week is in fact Education Week however we have held off our celebration until next Tuesday 23rd May when we will open our classrooms from 9am for all to enjoy National Simultaneous Story Time together. Each class will listen to this year’s book titled “The Speedy Sloth” and complete an activity in relation to the story. We hope you can make it!
Thank You
To the parents and staff who attended Year 4 camp. We cannot do it with out you.
To the PFA and volunteer parents who helped at the Mother’s Day stall. It is possibly the most amazing stall I’ve seen at any school – we are very lucky to have such a great PFA!!!
Attitudes to School Survey
Our students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will get an opportunity to complete a survey providing feedback to the school this term.
This is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education and Training to assist us to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Participation in this survey is voluntary. If parents do not wish for their child to do the survey, you can send an opt out via email to your child’s classroom teacher.
Whilst every day of attendance counts, I do encourage you to keep your child home if exhibiting cold/flu like symptoms. Please use Sentral to notify us of any absence. This is a requirement.
June 13th is a pupil free day. Team Kids will be onsite and able to provide care on this day.
LPS policies can be located at
Have a great fortnight.
Mark Moorhouse