Upper Primary 2

UP2 returned back to school after the holidays all refreshed, energised and ready for Term 2 and excited to have our new ‘Teepee Tent’ in the classroom.
This term sees us continue on with our project-based learning, where we are working towards designing, creating and writing about our chosen fast food product.
We have been working a lot with our numbers and doing some amazing work with place value, in order to help us identify and represent numbers in different ways. ‘Number Bang’ is also one of our favourite games during Maths time and we are all getting a lot quicker with our recall of number bonds and missing numbers.
This term in PBL, our class is doing a big focus on ‘bucket fillers’ and ‘bucket dippers.’ We have identified what these terms mean and have brainstormed together different scenarios we think would fit into each ‘bucket.’ UP2 are trying very hard to be ‘bucket fillers’ every day to themselves, friends, peers and their teachers. Being able to reflect on our day is also something we are working on. Ask your child whose bucket they filled today and how they did that!
UP2 has Mother’s Day on their radar this week. We have been talking about why our mums and the special people in our lives that help to look after us and love us are so wonderful. The students have also been sharing their ideas in class about how they are going to spoil their special person this Sunday.
Wishing you all a lovely day on Sunday with the little people in your life!