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Upcoming events
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Upcoming events
- Do it for Dolly Day - 12 May
- P&C Mother's Day lunch - 12 May
- P&C Day - 19 May
- Under 8's Day - 22 May
- Life Education Van visit - 22 May - 2 June
- Chaplain Week - 22 May - 26 May
- National Simultaneous Storytime - 24 May
- National Sorry Day - 26 May
- National Reconciliation Week - 27 May - 3 June
- State of Origin Dress Up - 31 May
- World Environment Day - 5 Junes
- QLD Day - 6 June
- School Cleaner's Day - 14 June
- Rockhampton Show Holiday - 15 June
- NAIDOC Week (early celebrations) - 19 June - 23 June
- Last day of Term 2 - 23 June
353 Dean Street
PO Box 9797
Frenchville 4701
Phone : 07 4999 0222
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 3:15pm