What's Happening

Year 5/6 2023 Production

Title: Joseph & the Technicolour Dreamcoat

Performance Dates: October 20 & 21

Lead roles: 

Joseph - Zander 

Jacob - Darby

Potiphar - Yuvraj 

Pharaoh (& Joseph understudy)  - Say Ku 

Mrs Potiphar - Xin Ling

Chef/Baker - Xavier 

Lawyer - Jesse 

Featured Maids - Remi , Scarlett , Sierra  & Aneera .

We have unearthed lots of talented singers! 

Monday rehearsals have started and the Production Choir is sounding great!

I’m looking for parent helpers with make-up for the performances.

Please contact me via text on number below. 

I’m also looking for any old mobile phones and calculators for a scene. 

Please drop into school to go in my staff basket. 

Louise Matthews

0432 292 262 




Walk Safely to School Day

On Friday May 19 running club ran around the lake at Rotary Park before walking with other children to walk safely to school.