Principal message

 Dear community of St Monica’s,


It has been a huge week at St Monica's. We welcomed Boyd, Andrea and Michael who ran our school review. For three days we have been observed, questioned, watched and listened to, so that the reviewers could determine what makes our school great and then support the direction of our strategic plan going forward. Once we have the full report we will share the outcomes via the newsletter. They were effusive about the supportive, collaborative culture found at St Monica's that is the underlying condition for effective learning and teaching. Their report will be specific around how we can implement clarity, precision and consistency moving forward.

The review team  have informed me that their report will include 7 commendations for what is embedded, 20 affirmations relating to areas that have be initiated, and 5 recommendations to help us to be the most effective school we can be.

Everyone has reported the process as being a positive experience and I

thank all the staff, parents and students who participated in our school review and helped to share our story.


Parent concerns

There is a story circulating that our students were removed from the oval this week due to a student from a nearby school having a knife. This is not the case. Max Lamb was on oval duty and made a decision to remove our students from the oval due to a student from the other school exiting their building showing heightened behaviour . Max thought this was best not witnessed by our students in case it escalated. There was no knife. Should an incident occur in future  be reassured that we will inform parents.




Thank you to those who have signed up to join our School Advisory Council. The next part of the process is to email me at outlining why you wish to be part of the Council by the end of term. Further information about the role of the council can be found here. I have updated the principal email link which was incorrect.



Dogs in schools

Can I remind families that as we have our dog May here to support our  school community we ask that no dogs are brought into the school yard. 


Prep enrolment application forms DUE TODAY

 If you are intending to enrol your child please complete the forms found on the school website.  We have a number of families with siblings that have yet to submit their forms. They are due today. If you know of anyone wanting a place next year in prep please direct them to our school website.



Oval update

Thank you to the parents who attended the oval meeting  on Monday night. In addition to the nature play elements a proposal was put forward regarding the addition of a running track.  A discussion took place for us to consider synthetic turf rather than natural grass.

A quick poll from students who play football on the oval suggest that grass is preferred by students and further investigation into this will be required.


At this stage the action from the meeting will be to  look into possible funding through sponsorship or grants that we could use. The addition of synthetic turf would stretch the budget significantly.

A follow up meeting will take place on Monday 10th July at 6pm in the staffroom.



Staff news

Sue Fitzgerald will be moving to Queensland and leaving us after 10 years at St Monica.

We wish Sue and her family all the best and thank her for the dedication to our students during her time here. Sue will finish at the end of Term 2.



In Term 2 Sherralee Artis will be joining our staff to support our AusLan co-learner program.  Sherralee is a member of the deaf community and will support our lessons and give our community an authentic use of AusLan.


As this is the last newsletter from me before I go on study leave I wish both Rachelle Collins all the best as she leaves for parental leave next week and  I thank Alicia Giles who is heading to Darwin at the end of term for her contribution to school life and particularly the 1/2 unit this semester.


Rachelle's co teacher Kim Townrow will work 4 days and Sue Ellen Warren will work 1 day in 3/4CT



Family week activity

Run club held last week. Thank you to Leon and Paddy for stepping in for Jarrod in his absence. There were lots of smiles as families arrived through the gate after their run around the lake and walk to school.


 We had a great turn out of families for our  gathering in classrooms and assembly last Friday. Thank you to all those who attended.


Congratulations to the Riley family on the arrival of their new baby Noah.


School production

Congratulations to the senior students who have been selected to take on lead roles in our school production in October. Please see what's happening page for further information.


Whole school mass- Our Lady, Help of Christians had to be held in classrooms today due to blocked pipes affecting the Jaara building. Fr Brian came in to visit the 5/6 students and spoke with them about the significance of today being National Sorry Day and the start of Reconciliation Week.



Regular school attendance is vital and missing school days can have a big impact on a child’s future – missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school.

There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.

If for any reason your child must miss school, there are things we can do together to ensure they don’t fall behind:

·   Speak with your classroom teacher and find out what work your child needs to do to keep up.

·   Develop an absence learning plan with your teacher and ensure your child completes the plan.

If your child's attendance is of concern you will receive a letter from the office.



Backhaus Day (yellow)

On Friday 2nd June will be celebrating Backhaus House Day. Students in yellow house can wear yellow and will be treated to a sausage in bread and icypole. House captains Max and Izzy will run some activities for their house during lunchtime play.




One of our students asked me where I was going on my holiday. To model life long learning I would prefer that they are aware that I am going on a study tour for three weeks. I am supported by Catholic Education Sandhurst and will be expected to write 5000 words on what I have learned, how it can influence my self, my school and the Diocese of Sandhurst. I am looking forward to the learning as well as the experience of being in Chicago.


One of the books I am reading in preparation addresses the question of science and religion and I look forward to sharing those ideas with you. Before then however let me share the following from Nikolas Sintobin SJ Did God really exist?


'Before God created the world, he did what he has always done and will do: he loved. After all, God is love. Everything God does or does not do has to do with love. People like to ask the question about the before and the after. As far as God is concerned, this question is somewhat problematic. Before God created the world there was no time, and if there is no time, there can be no before and after. only eternity. Time has only come through creation. From then on the sequence of events began, past, present and future. So time itself was also created by God. It is part of God's being that God creates, because true love reaches beyond itself. God has no choice but to create with love that is overflowing. That is why God's love is not something one-off. Something from long ago. No,  God creates constantly. If God would cease to create for just one moment, everything that is would immediately stop existing. The whole creation exists and continues to exist thanks to God's creative power of love. 


Ms Fiona Dearn
