Prep Update

Prep A-Miss Hope Prep B-Miss Papa Prep C-Ms Lloyd Prep D-Mrs Herres Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes
Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Upcoming learning 

During the next fortnight, Prep students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Week 6 & 7- Continuing our Fairytale unit by reading Snow White and Hansel and Gretel, with a focus on character traits. 


We will engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the letter sounds /e/, /qu/, /z/ and /j/ following the Little Learners Love Literacy sequence. 

We will be focusing on 2 sounds each week and working on sounding out and decoding words with learnt sounds.


Week 6 & 7- We will learn the correct letter formation of our focus letters. 

We will be writing about fairytales using our letter sound knowledge, trying our best to sound out words, incorporate 'heart words' to record our thinking.


Week 6: We will be learning about 3D shapes, including how to sort and describe their features.

Week 7: We will be focusing the 'teen numbers.'



Week 6: We are looking at change through popular television shows and how they have evolved over the years, focusing on The Wiggles and Sesame Street.

Week 7: We will be exploring how telephones have changed.

Social and Emotional Week 6 & 7: We will be discussing and exploring how mistakes are okay and how we can learn from them. We will explore effort and perseverance with our learning. 

News and reminders 

  • Readers: As of this week, Prep students are also choosing a decodable book to take home in their reader bags. They will keep this book for the week and can read it more than once during this time; this will support their fluency and confidence. They also have a reading log to record the book that they read.
  • Blue reader bags and phonics books:  Please continue to bring these along to school every Wednesday.This is when we will update them with new sounds and words to read. Students will choose a new book to take home on this day also.
  • Heart words- Please continue to practice our heart words. We will update heart words when they are confidently read.
  • As the weather is certainly getting colder, please remember to clearly label all jumpers, jackets, beanies, etc. This helps teachers find the owners easily. 
  • Please pack spare socks/pants in your child's bag. This will help us in case your child gets wet during play times on those rainy days.

Celebration of learning

Sound out and write
Daily phonics practise in Prep B
Sound out and write
Daily phonics practise in Prep B


Read to self in Prep C
Read to self in Prep C
House colour activities! Prep A and Prep C
House colour activities! Prep A and Prep C
Eddy the elephant in Prep D
Eddy the elephant in Prep D
Yasmin the yak in Prep E
Yasmin the yak in Prep E