Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

Sustainable initiatives happening at Hillsmeade. 

We have some very exciting sustainable initiatives at Hillsmeade and we would like to encourage all of our students and families to get involved. 

World Oceans Day - Thursday 8th of June 

Hillsmeade is proud to be acknowledging World Oceans Day this year, which will be held on Thursday the 8th of June. During this day students will be involved in ocean themed activities and learn about the important role our ocean systems have in maintaining the balance of life here on earth. This is not a dress up day. Activities will be based in the classroom during the day. 


On the day students have the opportunity to 'Guess the Sea Creatures' in the jar for $1 a guess, maximum of 2 guesses per student. The money raised from this lolly guessing competition will be donated to the Dolphin Research Institute. Student leaders will come to the classrooms to take guesses during the day. 


Wonder bread bag recycling program - Keep collecting bread bags. 

Bread bag and plastic tag recycling has begun. You can drop your empty bread bags or plastic bread tags in the collection boxes in the front office or give to your child to bring in to the collection box in the school. Bread bags can be any brand, as long as they are clean of any bread/crumbs. 

The more bread bags we collect the more points we can earn to be used for sports equipment at our school.